Centers & Programs

International Youth Vilage for Refugees

The international youth village is designed to host and protect two hundred young refugees without supportive families.

The village will be based on a multifaceted approach to social rehabilitation and on democratic and humanitarian values. It will provide accessible education, opportunities and support for children and youth affected by trauma. It will be a healing environment that opposes their negative experiences, based on individual approach and family education.

The youth will have access to psychological consulting and activities promoting positive behaviors like sports, organic farming and arts. It will focus on establishing a supportive educational framework and restoring hope by protecting the youth.

The model has proven itself in many settings, both in Israel and around the world.

Capacity Building Institue

The Capacity Building Institute will be an educational training center for young adults, that will incorporate professional and occupational training to assist with integrating refugees into the workforce.

It will focus on advancing an international capacity-building perspective, where the emphasis will be placed on gender equality, inclusion, social cohesion and diversity.

The professional training programs will provide knowledge and assistance in its implementation.

The courses will relate to a wide range of occupational fields, while also aiming to equip participants with crucial skills like communication, self-promotion, networking and marketing.

Organic Farming & Permaculture International Trainin Center

A training farm facilitating organic farming techniques, that teaches the operation of small sustainable farms.

Refugee youth and young adults will attend different programs, lasting between one and six months.

Israeli and international experts will train the refugee students to establish and manage farms, according to the approaches and principles of Permaculture.

The institute will operate a renewable energy plant to introduce refugees to environmental issues that apply to food and energy sources. Through the training, refugees will learn how to reconnect with nature and human values and to live sustainable lifestyles.

Social Art Academy

The Social Art Academy will be an institution where refugee youth and young adults develop into professional artists and entrepreneurs who bring change to their communities.

It will be a creative, innovative hub for empowerment strategies through Art that go beyond cultural and religious differences.

The Academy will seek to provide its students with artistic and leadership skills and will operate a marketing department that will ensure financial stability and raise awareness of the center.

International Visitors Center

A visitors center, which will portray the story of refugees worldwide during the last two centuries, addressing one of the world’s most significant challenges by questioning common narratives about refugees and migration.

It will showcase the contribution of those forced to flee to the countries they settled in and the local communities that support them. It will focus on refugees as a drive for innovation and change.

The visitors center will highlight the plight of refugees around the globe today.

The CAMPUS Research and Development (CRD)

The Campus R & D (CRD) center will focus on building bridges between theory and practice.

The research in the center will be theory-based, empirically driven and application-oriented. It will provide the basis for policy formation and implementation of the Campus Institute.

The center will strive to achieve an equal sharing of knowledge and skills between the academic community and refugee communities.

The CRD will utilize research as a tool to sustain the dignity of every refugee and promote their better assimilation in their host country.

The CRD will function as a meeting place for all stakeholders interested in developing knowledge, policy and practice related to refugees, share and exchange ideas with each other and with refugee community leaders and members.

Reconcilliation Center

Reconciliation involves the acknowledgement of past grievances, the understanding of different perspectives, and the commitment to building trust and cooperation. It is a proactive effort to move beyond conflict and create a foundation for positive interactions. Reconciliation programs and activities are essential for healing wounds, promoting understanding, and building a more just society. While the path to reconciliation may be challenging, the transformative impact on individuals and communities makes these efforts vital for fostering lasting peace and harmony.