Leading Partnership

The CAMPUS is an initiative of partnerships. Partnerships of people, professionals andvolunteers, of organizations, governments and even business initiatives based on impact investment models.

Experts and Volunteers:

The CAMPUS will leverage cutting-edge expertise, creative concepts, and practical insights from Israel and Germany in education, marginalized population support, and professional skill development. A collaboration of German, Israeli, and international experts will offer training in advanced information technologies, organic agriculture, and disaster relief strategies. These teachings will be translated into practical applications through the active engagement of Israeli and German civil societies, supported by highly skilled volunteers, each proficient in their respective fields.

Institutions and Organizations:

Governments: First and foremost, the Israeli Government and German Governments as well as other Governments worldwide, including Governments who deal with refugee Capacity building and Recovery. International Agencies: Such as the UNHCR, UN headquarters and other International Institutions

NGOs’: Local Israeli and German civil society organizations and International NGOs’.

Foundations: International foundations, German foundations, Jewish foundations

International corporations.


One key benefit of partnerships is the pooling of expertise and resources from diverse organizations, including governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international agencies, local communities, and private sector entities. Each partner brings unique skills, knowledge, and networks, allowing for a more holistic and coordinated response to refugee needs. Collaborative efforts ensure that refugees receive comprehensive assistance tailored to their specific circumstances, whether it’s providing healthcare, education, livelihood opportunities, or psychosocial support.

Moreover, partnerships can facilitate innovation and knowledge sharing, enabling stakeholders to learn from each other’s experiences and best practices. By collaborating on research, pilot projects, and capacity-building initiatives, partners can develop more effective solutions to address the evolving needs of refugees and host communities. This collaborative approach fosters a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, leading to more impactful interventions and long-term sustainable outcomes.

Additionally, partnerships will help bridge gaps in funding and capacity, particularly in contexts where resources are limited or overstretched. By pooling financial resources, in-kind donations, and technical expertise, partners can maximize the impact of their investments and ensure that assistance reaches those who need it most. Furthermore, partnerships will enhance accountability and transparency by fostering shared responsibility and oversight mechanisms, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and effectively to achieve measurable results.

Beyond the practical benefits, partnerships will also build trust and solidarity among stakeholders, fostering a sense of collective ownership and commitment to refugee empowerment. By working together towards common goals, partners can overcome barriers, address conflicts, and build bridges between diverse communities. This collaborative approach strengthens social cohesion and promotes resilience and reconciliation, laying the foundation for peaceful coexistence and sustainable development.

By leveraging the strengths and resources of diverse stakeholders, partnerships can maximize impact, foster innovation, bridge gaps, and promote solidarity, ultimately empowering refugees to rebuild their lives with dignity and resilience.

Partners & Supporters

Partners & Supporters

Topaz International Topaz International is a social change movement that has initiated, developed and operates innovative and creative social enterprises in Israel and internationally since 2000. Topaz’s activities encompass the following areas: international development, strategic social impact initiatives (in Israel), disaster relief and humanitarian aid, international capacity building, international volunteering and advancing Art for social change practices. Our Mission: To enhance social change, promote social engagement and advocate social justice by advancing a wide range of innovative intervention models and capacity-building strategies. Through our social ventures, we increase pluralism, tolerance and social resilience. We turn social challenges into opportunities through creative social innovations, which aim to eradicate social problems and reinforce sustainable change. Our values: Four core sets of values are embedded into all operations: Pluralism and social tolerance; civil and social justice; commitment to peace – between people, cultures and among nations and; the values of voluntarism, mutual responsibility, giving and compassion. They are all woven into the core value of Topaz – fairness and decency. Fairness between people, between communities and between nations. Topaz International believes Israeli society must be sensitive and supportive of global and universal needs and challenges. A culture that preserves and promotes every person’s civil, social and cultural rights, whoever and wherever he may be.
Dr. Michael (Mike) Naftali Founder & President – Topaz International michael.naftali@gmail.com
Prof. Rivka Lazovsky Vice President – Topaz International lazovskyrivka@gmail.com
Mr. Shmuel Sorek Chairperson and C.E.O shmuel@topaz.org.il
Ms. Dina Loutati Chairperson IMPROVE loutatid@gmail.com
Ms. Orna Angel Chairperson “A room of her own” orna.ang@gmail.com
Ms. Moran Zalcberg Cohen Executive Director – Brit Olam division moran.britolam@topaz.org.il
Ms. Albina Kunz Bar Integrated Strategic Development – “The Campus” albinakb@gmail.com
  TOPAZ – Leading Social Innovations, Maza St. no 3, Holon, ISRAEL Tel +972 3619 4684, Fax +972 3616 8797 www.topaz.org.il, info@topaz.org.il